Chapter – 18
In class 11, students learn about antiderivatives, which is a type of calculus. Antiderivatives are used to find the area under the curve of a function, to evaluate indefinite integrals, and to solve differential equations. Students learn how to calculate antiderivatives using integration by substitution, integration by parts, and trigonometric substitution.
They also learn how to use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to calculate antiderivatives. Additionally, students learn how to identify a function’s antiderivative and how to use the substitution rule for integrals to evaluate definite integrals.
So before moving towards the solution section, let us have a little concept about antiderivaties and the subtopics related to antiderivatives as well as some of the important formulas.
Antiderivatives, also known as indefinite integrals, are the inverse operation of derivatives. In other words, an antiderivative is the original function from which a derivative was derived.
For example, the derivative of f(x) = x² is f'(x) = 2x. Therefore, the antiderivative of 2x is f(x) = x². Antiderivatives can be used to find the area under a curve, and can also be used to solve differential equations.
Integration Using Basic Integrals
In this specific exercise we are only going to solve some of the antiderivatives problems using basic integrals rules. “Remember to use the formulas provided below when solving the problems in this exercise. With these formulas, you’ll be able to solve all the questions quickly and accurately!”

Antiderivatives Class 11 Exercise – 18.1 PDF
This PDF contains all handwritten notes of class 11 Antiderivatives chapter, including solutions of Exercise 18.1. If you want the solutions of other exercises, click the button above.
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Is Class 11 Mathematics Guide Helpful For Student ?
I have published this Notes for helping students who can’t solve difficult maths problems. Student should not fully depend on this note for completing all the exercises. If you totally depend on this note and simply copy as it is then it may affect your study.
Student should also use their own will power and try to solve problems themselves. You can use this mathematics guide PDF as a reference. You should check all the answers before copying because all the answers may not be correct. There may be some minor mistakes in the note, please consider those mistakes.
How to secure good marks in Mathematics ?
As, you may know I’m also a student. Being a student is not so easy. You have to study different subjects simultaneously. From my point of view most of the student are weak in mathematics. You can take me as an example, I am also weak in mathematics. I also face problems while solving mathematics questions .
If you want to secure good marks in mathematics then you should practise them everyday. You should once revise all the exercise which are already taught in class. When you are solving maths problems, start from easy questions that you know already. If you do so then you won’t get bored.
Maths is not only about practising, especially in grade 11 you to have the basic concept of the problem. When you get the main concept of the problem then you can easily any problems in which similar concept are applied.
When your teacher tries to make the concept clear by giving examples then all students tries to remember the same example but you should never do that. You can create your own formula which you won’t forget later.
If you give proper time for your practise with proper technique then you can definitely score a good marks in your examination.
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thank you alot guys