In the periodic table, a diagonal line drawn from boron (B) to polonium(Po) separates metals from nonmetals. Most elements on this line are metalloids, sometimes called semi-metals; elements to the lower left are metals, elements to the upper right are nonmetals. Metals have properties like high melting and boiling point, high density, lustrous, malleable and ductile, brittle, good conductors of electricity etc.
Metals occur in nature by two ways: in the free state or in combined state. Metals in the free state like gold, platinum, silver, mercury etc. may have trace amount of impurities which can be removed by using simple and suitable methods.
What we are going to study
In this chapter we are going to study about Metals and metallurgical principles, Alkali metals and alkali earth metals.
Key Objectives
When you have finished studying this unit, you should able to:
- acquaintance with the terms used in metallurgical processes. understand the general principles of extraction of metals and their purification process.
- describe the general characteristics of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals.
- describe the extraction of sodium by Down’s process.
- explain the properties of sodium, sodium hydroxide, and sodium carbonate. know the use of sodium, sodium hydroxide, and sodium carbonate.
- write the formula and use of: quick lime, bleaching powder, palster of paris, and Epsom salt. take the idea of solubility of hydroxides, carbonates, and sulphates of alkaline earth metals explain the stability of carbonate and nitrate of alkaline earth metals
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Chemistry Of Metals Class 11 Chemistry Notes PDF
In class 11 Chemistry Of Metals chapter we will study about many different topics. Students should take notes of every topics very carefully for better understanding of the chapter and to prepare a well managed notes for exam preparation. If your teacher hasn’t provided you any notes then you can prepare your notes from the PDF given below.
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Sanjeev Mangrati