Gharelu Hinsa (Domestic Violence) Class 10 Social Studies Unit 4 Lesson 3 Notes. Class 10 students who were searching for social studies notes can have a break now because you don’t need to search for social notes anymore. We have provided the notes of each and every chapters in our site and you can easily access them by searching the chapter names.
In this article you’ll find all the solutions of Gharelu Hinsa class 10 social studies. It contains 3 important questions which have high chances to appear in your examination. You can even download the notes and use them anywhere at anytime without the need of internet.
In Gharelu Hinsa chapter we’ll study about all types of domestic violence that are found in our society. We’ll also study the different methods to eliminate domestic violence and to promote peace in society. The main theme of this lesson is to make people able to raise voice against injustice and to promote peace and harmony in the society.
Gharelu Hinsa Class 10 Social Studies Notes were designed and presented to you with a hope that students will take it as a helping hand and use it wisely to improve their studies. We never recommend students to copy the entire answers same to same. You need to read the chapter and try to answer it yourself.
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Class 10 Samajik Manual – Grade X Social Studies Guide (New Edition: 2081/82)
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