Secondary Education Examination popularly known as SEE Exam has been cancelled in Nepal. Till now National Education Board (NEB) used to conduct both SEE and Class 12 Board Exam every year but from now onwards NEB won’t conduct SEE Exams for grade 10 students.
As per Deepak Sharma, the official spokesperson for the Ministry of Education, SEE Examination for class 10 students will be conducted by schools and NEB will only be conducting the Board Exam of class 12.
With this new system, schools will have more freedom to decide what they want to teach and how they want to teach it. This means they can choose the subjects and methods that work best for their students. Moreover, this change is also likely to make the process of conducting exams smoother and more efficient, ensuring that students are assessed in a way that is fair and effective.
Why SEE Exam was Cancelled in Nepal?

The ministry of education hasn’t given any official reason behind the cancellation of SEE Examination. However, we get to know various unofficial reasons behind the cancellation of SEE Examination in Nepal.
We all know that SEE Examination is considered as the golden gates for students. It is also the first step of taking discussion on what they want to become in future. Students work hard to get better results so that they can study the subjects they want in grade 11 and grade 12.
But after the pandemic the SEE Examination hasn’t been conducted well. There was carelessness in paper checking because of which many students got unexpected results even through they have worked hard. As a result, students has to go through lots of pressure on them which will eventually affect their studies.
So one of the main reasons for SEE cancelled is to reduce excess stress and pressure on students. Another reason for SEE cancelled is to give more authority to school which will result in smooth conduction of examinations.
What will happen to Class 10 students in Nepal now?
After hearing the News of SEE Exam Cancellation, class 10 students were worried about what’s going to happen to them. The first thing that is going to happen is that you won’t get a 3 months break after your examinations. OK, let’s keep the joke aside a talk about the main topic.
SEE Examination has been cancelled doesn’t mean that grade 10 students won’t have to give SEE exams. Students will be facing SEE Exams like every year but this time the examinations will be conducted by schools. NEB won’t be sending you the questions papers like previous years.
It means your results won’t take long time to be published and you’ll be able to join class 11 earlier than the previous batch students. The ministry of education will be providing certain guidelines and every school will conduct SEE examination based on it.
For more detailed information you can go through the latest education act 2080 pdf. It will give you full detailed about SEE Exam Cancellation and pension for government school teachers.
Before we conclude our topic on SEE Exam Cancellation, let’s answer some of the most frequently asked questions so that you’ll be more clear about SEE Exam Cancellation News.
1. Is SEE Cancelled in Nepal 2080?
Yes SEE Examination has been cancelled in Nepal and this will be implemented from the academic year 2024.
2. Will there be SEE in 2081?
No, there won’t be any SEE Examination in 2081. The SEE Examination will be conducted by schools as the regular examination based on the guidelines provided by the ministry of education.
3. What level is SEE in Nepal?
SEE (Secondary Education Examination) i.e grade 10 is considered as the secondary level. Not only grade 10 but also grade 11 and 12 comes under second level.
4. Who will take SEE Examination 2081?
SEE Examination 2081 will be conducted by schools not by NEB. The school itself will prepare questions following the guidelines provided by NEB.